The Gravity-Defying Wonder of Argentina: Exploring The Eye, a Mysterious Island That Floats and Rotates

This Argentinean island is no ordinary landmass – it defies gravity by not only floating but also continuously spinning in a mesmerizing circular motion.

Image credit: Parque Nacional Ciervo de los Pantanos

The Paraná, the second-longest river in South America, spans four nations: Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.

Its length is 4,880 kilometers. 4,880 kilometers is a considerable distance that offers many chances to discover

remarkable things. One of the most fascinating findings in the case of the Paraná was made at its delta:

a 120-meter-diameter island that was nearly fully round in shape and floated freely on its axis.


In various regions around the world, such as Finland, Turkey, Italy, Serbia, the Danube Delta in Romania and Ukraine,

Lake Titicaca on the border between Bolivia and Peru, Lake Loktak in India, and many more locations,

there are so-called floating islands. However, due to its unique shape and ongoing rotation, this Argentinean

island distinguishes apart from the others.

Scientists explain the island’s odd rotation around its axis by the existence of massive natural wells that

produce streams of water that are capable of moving the island. The rotating eye appears to collide with

the surrounding soil, providing it the necessary impetus, causing the muddy area to separate and erode.

However, some dispute the science supporting the rotation and assert that it is instead a

“supernatural” phenomena connected to extraterrestrial life.

The Argentine director Sergio Neuspiller found The Eye while looking for a location to shoot a movie on the

paranormal. The location provided the ideal backdrop right away, but when the director went back to evaluate it,

he realized that the island had moved. As a result, he made the decision to dig deeper and forgo the film in favor

of a scientific documentary. By entering “El Ojo” at these coordinates: 34 ° 15’07.8? S 58 ° 49’47.4? W,

the phenomena can be seen in Google Earth satellite photographs taken at various periods.

“The photos on this site are owned by users or purchased from image banks”

The recordings also demonstrate that the island has been a part of the Paraná delta since 2003, which is over

20 years. Later, in or around 2016, Neuspiller became fascinated with the issue of the revolving island when he

and a New York-based engineer began to raise money to investigate the cause of the phenomena. They hoped

to raise 50,000 dollars to answer the mystery, but only a fifth of that sum was raised, so their investigation

which would have included a look at the paranormal—was never finished. What a loss.

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